Don't think I've ever dealt with such a buggy, crappy program--particularly one that is so critical to the process it's designed for. The current snafu: Collabowriter -- a terrific feature in theory, and a useless one in practice. Leaving aside that connecting works about once ever dozen tries and that crashes are commonplace, my favorite new issue: Though both parties are using FD8, we can't collabowrite because we didn't have the same version. Ok, I had 8.01 and she had 8.02. So I had to go through the idiotic process of upgrading, which then requires yet another call to tech support to ACTIVATE all over again. And I suppose if that were it and all was solved, it'd be annoying but forgivable. But of course that doesn't fix the problem because now we don't have the same BUILD number. Are you kidding me? The builds were released two weeks apart.
Every experience I've ever had with this company has been a bad one (which seems odd given that they're in a tiny niche market.)
If only Google would assign a few of their techies to create a decent script writing program and put them out of business...
If you're a mac user, I recommend Scrivener.
No thanks to Final Draft I recently completed another script BUT this will be MY LAST using Final Draft. What a mine field of problems. I'm through having to jump through hoops enough for me to actually get work done without having to "baby" final draft! It skips all over the place, can't handle changes - a nightmare.
I’m commenting on FINAL DRAFT formatting in general. Indeed FINAL DRAFT is the Industry Standard which I’d assume would equate to the company having financial strength. Movies are a billion dollar industry and the software is in continual use around the world. As for the business of SOFTWARE, we continually see major developments around the world and for this reason the majority of Software companies strive to stay ahead of the curve and improve their Software in the marketplace, because they care about their customers and wish to continue with their business. I would think that Final Draft being the Industry Standard could take a little percentage of their profits and consider utilizing the money toward hiring programmers to fix some of the very, very basic issues that many customers have struggled with for years. One of these issues for me is how to import scripts that are in other formats, without it equating to an absolute fucking disaster in which it virtually takes almost the same amount of time to TYPE the ENTIRE script in from scratch! My thought is…
Could they fix this? YES! Of course…
We are stepping into the year 2014 where companies like Facebook are tackling billions of users with multiple complex issues and programmers are readily available, along with companies like Adobe and ALL OF US could list many other examples that weren’t so extreme, where virtually impossible things are being developed within Software. The ability to fix this formatting issue is well within FINAL DRAFTS grasp. I wouldn’t be surprised if a programmer couldn’t tackle the format issue within a few days time. I’d be glad to pay a programmer for a few days to give it a try! HELLO!
The point is… CERTAINLY Final Draft could put their minds to this. And I’m sure they can also understand why the need to import an existing screenplay into FD and have it not turn into a horrific nightmare from hell would be USEFUL! I mean after all it’s essentially a basic TEXT program that’s super specialized, so having more then 10 features (I.E the ability to tab to dialogue, character, slug, transition etc.) …might be a consideration now that it’s Industry Standard for a couple decades and remains SUPER expensive and NOT reasonable. So the question is…
Have they bothered to do anything? NOPE.
Will they? NOPE.
WHY? I decided to look into this so I could provide an intelligent answer here, but I couldn’t find one so I’m thinking the reason Final Draft won’t bother to fix that particular issue or many other basic problems is that they’re miserable c*o*c*k sucking mother-f*u*c*k*ing c*u*n*ts who are lazy, greedy brain dead a*s*s*holes that can suck the corn out of my s*h*i*t.
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