Ah, innocence, so powerful, so publishable. In today's times, Adam Liptak discusses a Study of Wrongful Convictions and concludes, as does the author that "Professor Garrett’s study strongly suggests, that there are thousands of people serving long sentences for crimes they did not commit but who have no hope that DNA can clear them." You don't say?
Can't wait to see Josh Marquis debunk this one.
You know, we could arrange for you to meet Josh Marquis on a dark and lonely road during your upcoming trip to Oregon.
You probably won't hear from Marquis, he is being kept busy with two big law firms going to bat to give him more money.
He is dividing our County, he is refusing to turn in a performance report to the County Commissioners.
Now he has a group of people also wanting to change the Oregon constitution to make it a must to pay him the same as Judges.
The citizen are concerened he's never around, he does love the media.
Go to Oregon blogs, look for Astoria Rust, Clatsop County Matters.
" Missconductpdx said...
You know, we could arrange for you to meet Josh Marquis on a dark and lonely road during your upcoming trip to Oregon."
Bwahahahaha! Marquis' a huge coward. If the road's dark and lonely he sure as hell won't be on it! Especially if there's no media camera's whirling.
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