Guess who just got a Jury Summons?
Yes indeed, I've been called upon to do my civic duty. The only interesting question here is: What are the odds I actually wind up on a jury?
What'dya think?
The intermittent musings of a pedantic public defender...
Well, Oprah got chosen to serve on a murder jury here in Chicago, so anything is possible. I guess the question is how many people will you know when you walk into the courtroom? Good luck! -KevinD.
I think you have two chances: slim, and none.
In Florida, you can be excused from jury duty if you are a physician or a lawyer. They rationalize the lawyer excuse by saying fellow jurors may be swayed by viewing you as an expert rather than using their own judgment.
Depends on whether or not it's a civil or a criminal case... I served jury duty on a child molestation case recently. Of course, I did not get chosen. The judge made a joke about my being there when I stood up to answer questioning by the ADA. Jenn in GA (Hey, Feige! Someone sent me this blog. Like the cartoon!)
Depends on whether or not it's a civil or a criminal case... I served jury duty on a child molestation case recently. Of course, I did not get chosen. The judge made a joke about my being there when I stood up to answer questioning by the ADA. Jenn in GA (Hey, Feige! Someone sent me this blog. Like the cartoon!)
yeah, just identifying oneself as a legal services or public interest attorney can is generally certain to result in a strike by the the prosecution or the money-side attorney in a civil the way, loved indefensible!!!
actually, i was just excused from federal jury duty without even having to report for this same reason i suspect
How would you like to be on a jury, where the DA uses VSE, without permission. Yes, Clatsop County Oregon has such a all about it at www.clatsop county matters. It was a murder trial, the defendent was obviously guity they say the DA had enough evidence, without the use of VSE. He used a jury I guess to show boat, isn't that illegal?
How would like to sit on a jury trial when the DA uses vse illegaly? It was a murder trial, rumor is the famous DA didn't need the vse for a conviction. So why bother? It's like over-kill, as he's waving to the jury.
I got called for jury duty once in Manhattan. Showed up in a suit, tie and yarmulke and was out of there in all of 15 minutes. This tells me a great deal about human nature.
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