So here’s the Mac Hassle update:
Yesterday afternoon I went to the “Genius Bar” in Soho to have them take a look at my very sad Mac. The first thing I learned was that the Tek Serve Ass (see post below) had utterly misinformed me about whether my machine would power an external monitor (it would). The second thing I learned was that it’s just better to go back to the mothership. Now the truth of the matter is, the Genius (and the Genius in training who was tagging along) both spotted the little dent and both gave me a hard time about it. The difference was, that at the very least at the apple store, they didn’t try to scam me. Still, they insisted that I had to have the entire bottom case replaced and that I’d have to pay for it. This despite the fact that the problem was with the display and the clutches. (See diagram above). Bottom line: DESPITE having apple care, this is going to cost me just over $200.00. And that sucks.
Worse, though, is that it was utterly clear to me that this was a judgment call. If I had walked in looking like Katherine Heigl, I’d be $200 bucks richer.
Katherine Heigl
So not only was I out some cash I shouldn’t have spent, I had the added pain of knowing that my relative impoverishment was completely a function of my charmlessness.
The powerbook will be back in a week.
Hey now! Totally unfair. I look way more like Catherine Heigl than you do, and I had to pay over $300 to get my damn computer fixed. Granted, I don't look *exactly* like her. But still. You got off easy at only $200.
I take it back. I got a free computer fix just yesterday. Sorry.
That is a 5yr old computer, time to upgrade...
Save your $200.
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