This prompted some thinking about the various and legion indignities of incarceration. And just then, in the midst of my musing on prisons and cuisine, I find this truly foul article about a truly foul idea:
Ten ingredients make up "nutriloaf," an intentionally unappetizing yet fully nutritious meal that may soon be served to inmates causing trouble within Vermont's prisons through such behavior as throwing food or bodily fluids.
What do prison officials think of Nutriloaf?
"It changes behavior," said Bob Kupec, facilities executive with the Department of Corrections.
"As you eat this you notice the loss of sodium and sugar," said Corrections Commissioner Rob Hofmann.
Aside from serving as culinary castigation, the loaf offers other advantages. It can be served without potentially dangerous utensils and it doesn't lend itself to smearing or throwing like some cafeteria foods, Hofmann said.
Here is the recipe:
6 slices whole wheat bread, finely chopped
4 ounces non-dairy cheese, finely grated
4 ounces raw carrots, finely grated
12 ounces canned spinach, drained
4 ounces seedless raisins
2 cups Great Northern beans, cooked and drained
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
6 ounces tomato paste
8 ounces powdered nonfat or skim milk
6 ounces potato flakes
Make sure all wet items are drained. Mix all ingredients in a bowl, either by kneading with hands (wearing plastic gloves) or with a spoon. The mixture should be stiff and just moist enough to spread. Form three loaves in glazed bread pans. Place pans in oven in a pan containing water to keep bottom of loaf from burning. Bake at 325 degrees for about 45 minutes, until each loaf reaches an internal temperature of 155 degrees. Makes three loaves, or three meals, each containing 940 calories.
(Wanna read what corrections officials talk about when they talk about nutriloaf? click here
Poor babes. My heart breaks that these convicted criminals are not being fed their favorite dishes.
I just hope the stuff is as cheap to make as it sounds. No reason the taxpayers should make the inmates' stay overly pleasant. Feed 'em, keep 'em from attacking each other, and make them serve their time. No TV, no weights, no treats. Prison is supposed to be a punishment.
The problem is, they serve Nutriloaf in JAILS, not just prisons, to people not found guilty yet. They have had it out here for YEARS, and I have seen people get "loafed" for the most MINOR infractions (their bunk not being made, taking a shower 10 minutes to early in the morning, sending a letter to another inmate, having thread from a sock wrapped around a pencil, etc.)
As for the comment F... Anonymous, your comment almost seems hypocritical and that person never claimed any religious affiliation so why did you bring it up? Is it because you hate religion? How can you criticize someone for being hateful when your own comments where hateful? I can see how that person’s comments can spur anger, but firing back with anger won’t get people to reevaluate their comments, it just spurs further anger. I am a Christian, a Baptist, and not ashamed of my beliefs, that's not to say that I haven't been ashamed of fellow Christians for their actions and words. However Jesus never taught us that we should be tolerant, he taught us to be kind, considerate, etc. There is nothing unchristian about not agreeing with and not tolerating certain inhumane behavior (i.e. murder, child molestation, rape, etc). Having said that, the prisoners are there because they broke the law. It is an opportunity for them to rehabilitate themselves. As I understand it and admit I could be wrong but those prisoners that are feed the loaf are given it as a punishment for further bad behavior during their incarceration. Some have claimed this to be cruel and unusual punishment. However I feel that if this loaf is feed to them because they continually throw food and human fluids (sperm, feces, urine) then the punishment seem appropriate to me. Punishment is not meant to be pleasant. If they want to eat normal food then they need to improve their behavior. You can’t claim foul when you’re the one who dirtied your hands first. However if the prison is feeding the loaf to prisoners who have been well behaved then that certainly needs to be investigated.
"'loafed' for the most MINOR infractions ..."
Hey, rules is rules, be-atch!
I don't appreciate them young'ns potty-mouthing on this website. Nutriloaf is a delicious and highly nutritious food. My grandkids tell me they love it everytime they come over. Goodness, my eighth batch is just finishing up in the oven.
Please refrain from using inappropriate words!
I used to work in a medium security prison, and nutriloaf was brought in to use when those in the segregation unit did something that warranted punishment: throwing bodily fluids, exposing themselves to staff, etc. They're already in seg, so what else can be done. It works great. They get the nutrition they need, and they learn to behave. I think it's great.
I believe it should be served on a more regular basis, from max security all the way down to the jail house level. It seems to really seem to work on prisoner behavior modificaiton.....I would behave if I knew I had to eat a nutriloaf. This may even eliminate the need for extreme punishment like solitary confinememt. I believe all new prisoner going to jail should be served this loaf for a short period of time as a "Pre-warning" for a No-tolerence to bad behavior. And I am sure it is probaly more cost efficent for tax payers compared to what we spend on housing and feeding prisoners in this day and age. I say, "MORE NUTRILOAF for all prisoners".
Nutriloaf is a good idea IMHO. It's cheap to make, supposedly tastes horrible, as all jail food should, and seems to keep prisoners' behavior in check. Jail should be a stark, depressing, drudgerous punishment as it's intended to be, not a fun place with the TVs, weight rooms and candy bars, cookies, chips and similar items available in the commissary.
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