A police lieutenant has been suspended and others are being investigated after a cable television station filmed officers drinking on a city parking deck, smashing the windows of a vehicle, and bragging about shaking down a local business for free alcohol.
Watch those camera's boys!
Lt. James Kearns, 37, was questioned by the department's internal affairs unit Thursday. He did not acknowledge any wrongdoing, said Donald Fraser, attorney for Elizabeth Policemen's Benevolent Association Local No. 4, which includes the Superior Officers Association.
Footage shot by News 12 New Jersey shows officers gathering on a parking deck near police headquarters, some in marked patrol cars. Some of the officers grabbed containers of beer, and one was recorded bragging about shaking down a local tavern for the alcohol.
One of the officers uses a nightstick to smash the windows of a vehicle, which Mayor J. Christian Bollwage said was a decommissioned police vehicle. Another tosses a beer bottle at a squad car that drives up to the gathering, then drives away.
"Don't come up here if you ain't gonna drink beer with us," someone is heard saying on the tape.
Hey David, not that the truth or any silly little thing like that matters, but shouldn't you have somewhere, prominently displayed on your blog, that you are getting paid by George Soros for this little professional detour?
Hey Anonymous,
Not that you have any idea what you're talking about, but my Soros fellowship (now long over) has nothing to do with my blog. Furthermore, if you bothered to do any research rather than just sling mud and engage in rather foolish personal attacks, you'd know that everything I published that was underwritten by Soros said just that. Not, as you said, that the truth or any silly little thing like that matters but at least try to get your facts straight.
Gee, why are you listed AGAIN in the 2004 Soro awards in addition to the 2002 fellowship.......Or are you just independently wealthy?
If you're so foul...so mean-spirited and nasty, maybe someone besides 2 people would read this blog!
David Feige, a public defender in the Bronx and a Soros Media Justice Fellow, is the author of the book Indefensible, to be published in 2005.
jimmy kearns has a definte problem w/ the sauce (not tomato). He should have continued hitting the bottle instead of our old unmarked car.
Jimmy Kearns has no life and simply needs one.
Yeah old JK should have stayed at his Old Bridge watering hole
Rumor has it Kearns will be demoted back to patrolman...He'll have plenty of time to reflect while walking up and down Broad Street.
They could always have him stand at Bond and Three for a shift but he'd probably get knocked out by a local.
Guy's simply a disgrace to the badge!!!!
hope he likes the paycut cause' he can't buy as much scotch
dude couldn't handle five minutes at broad and e. grand much lest bond
Guy has a weak constitution and only had 1/2 a beer that night...needs to build it up
Of a Corona????
The Man just can't hold his liquor.
nothin' more than a loser
wasn't another elizabeth patrolman arrested and sent to prison for helping to beat a guy to death outside a bar????
heard the son (John J. Cosgrove)of the epd police director was arrested and indiccted for stealing more than $8,000 from a homicide victim. He worked as an investigator with the Essex County Prosecutor.May have taken the cash found on body in a 2002 homicide that may have been mafia related. nj state police checked into the homicde a year later and noticed money was missing.cosgrove may have said he temporarily took money for a paperwork issue. He shortly thereafter produced w/ he said was the cash from the incident. The year of issue on the cash he produced was after 2002 (when the homicide happened). He is facing 20 years on misconduct and various theft charges . Director shopuld open his eyes
James Kearns (Elizabth Police Department) is probably going to be demoted to patrolman. Sgt. James Kearns...James Kearns....James Kearns ....
Who promoted James Kearns anyway??????James (Jimmy)Kearns shouldn't have any rank.
James Kearns is a poor example of a police officer...like he couldn't see a cameraman filming him..idioto
James Kearns looks like he need his head shrunk or something
no criminal charges for james kearns lucky him
Thought there was an incident where an epd officer once got arrested for shoplifting film and then left everything behind.
Lt. james kearns didn't see the news 12 camerman bnecause he was blind drunk at the time. great excuse
Sgt. james kearns couldn't last one second by himself at Pierce Manor much less downtown.
he can always buy booze cheap at Bayway Liquors...they'll probably throw him out when he tries to shake him down...nice now that he's lost his rank....w/ a fool
next stop for jimmy is a room at the saxony motel....
James Kearns typical of the epd one of our finest......
The director feels that 5% of the the total elizabeth, new jersey police force has a chronic alcohol problem(ala Kearns)..one of new jersey's finest departments.
the elizabeth police department gets a lot of deserved bad press
kearns is a perfect example of what no to be on the job...the top brass feel hes doing a great job though
Hope Lt. James Kearns enjoyed his first Christmas without a job....Jimmy won't have much of a March 17th either top o' the mornin' to him anyway
Sgt. Kearns is still one of Elizabeth's finest drunks around....keep doing shot afetr shot after shot
He's now the poster child on how not to raise your kids
remember the guy has no rank now so no need to say Lt. or Sgt. sux 2b him
James Kearns wa simply being James kearns'nuff said
Don't know much about the Elizabeth Police Department in New Jersey, but this Lt. James Kearns seems like a piece of shit. Nowhere near fit to command any platoon in any agency
This drunk cop Kearns do not deserve that badge
that other drunken cop on the 12 tape looks like feeny
this Kearns ain't fit to lead an aa meeting..probably would show up loaded
at least Mikros ain't on the news tape
Who is James Kearns?
He's the only bad apple in the entire Elizabeth Police Department.
Jimmy sure ain't shit now Kiss that nice promotion as gone see you on the news
looks like Cosgrove's son is going down big time
Happy hour at the Elizabeth Police Department lasts all night long..that's why the crime/murder rate in the place is so high
No more partying now that Jimmys gone. Brings to mind the song na na na na hey hey hey goodbye
The Elizabth Police Department is a far better place w/o him
Nobody mentioned how even the streets are a lot safer now.
What a disgrace to the Elizabeth Police Departmant
You guys don't have to keep addressing him by rank since he ain't got it no more and about time too
FYI the Lt has always been a rat ps think thats Feeny on the clip Cosgrove should be the first to go this way he can sit at home and sulk with his boy They could always drink on top of the parking garage and throw bottles and break windows
The department is better w/o him around. Kindly notice how noone in the EPD is drinking anymore. Jimmy has to stay at home and can't buy beer because he is temporarily unemployed
You forgotto say that hes the only drunk in the entire dept. So this is what a blog is?
Can you guess who Union County's most corrupt police deparment is?
Kearns is going to be working for IA pretty soon (no not AA)what a waste
Think anyone else in Elizabeth besides us reads this blog?????
Two white officers in the Elizabeth Police Department arrested an East Orange officer (who was black)for obstructing the administration of law. they claimed to have seen his gun underneath his shirt and arrested him.
Kindly note that the Elizabeth Police Department isn't the only corrupt agency in the state.The State Divsision of Criminal Justice did an investigation into a rogue band of officers in neighboring Newark. Tyrone Dudley was a ten year veteran of the Newark PD. He and others went around shaking down drug dealers throughout the city from 2002-4. He pled guilty in court on Sept 23, 2004 to one count of conspiracy to commit official misconduct and identified seven other Newark officers who participated. It seems things in Elizabeth aren't so bad and you need to look at your own city.
Police corruption in places like Elizabeth can be reported to the State's division of criminal justice at 1-800-TIPS-4CJ.
Elizabeth police officer Bill Burdge was indicted in an assualt case in 1998.He got drunk and ended up barging into someone else's house. He attacked the senior citizern couple inside (the husband was a retired NJ State Trooper) and tore the house up. The Elizabeth Police reposnded and took Burdge to the hospital instead of arresting him. He was later arrested, charged and of course indicted. This coward was last seen running out the back door of headquarters to avoid the news media.
North bergen patrolman Vinny Sorge developed a rreputation for beating and robbing hispanic motorists. One night he came upon a hispanic male sleeping in a parked corvette outside a mall. He beat the driver and took his jewelry. The man he attacked was New Jersey State Police Det Sgt Moises Hernandez. He was working an undercover detail in repsonse to complaints about Sorge. Sorge was arrested and convicted of assault and misconduct. He served i8 months of an 8 year jail term. Hernandez fared no better. It seems he was tipping off a Columbian drug gang about an ongoing investigation and surveillance against them in Union County. The drug gang was bringing one million dollars in drugs through Union County. He was promptly suspended and will hopefully spend some time behind bars where he belongs
The Elizabeth Police Department is not the only one in NJ with corrupt officers. Sgt. Ronald Riccie as to his role in attempting to steal $60,000 found while officers were investigating a fire.
The Elizabeth Police Department is still corrupt
Found this blog about police corruption. That lieutenant James Kearns over in Elizabeth should loss his job
I've seen the News 12 video and it sounds like Kearns is the one bragging out shaking down El Monsenor and having them give him two cases out the back.Sgt Kevin Buckley and Lt.Michael Delancey were apparently caught on the tape drinking as well. They were on duty at the time and just suspended without pay by the Elizabeth Police department. The slow response by Cosgrove is better than Mayor Bollwage's no response of no commment!!!!!!!!!!Maybe he should have watched the news that night.
Mayor Bollwage must really be blind if he watched the tape and had no comment. That's an asshole move by another corrupt new jersey mayor. Director Cosgrove is even worse--the drinking on the parking deck had been going on for a while mere yards from his office. Both him and the mayor needs their eyesight checked out. Maybe Cosgrove's son wouldn't have gotten arrested for stealing money if his dad paid better attention to what was going on around him.
The Glen Ridge Rape Case happened in glen ridge, new jersey in 1989. A group of glen ridge high school football p[layers raped a mentally retarded girl in basement with a bat and a broomstick. The case drew national attention to glen ridge, new jersey. Seven students were arrested and charged with the crime.
One student arrested was Richard Timothy Corcoran. His father was a lieutenant with the Glen ridge police department. The charges against him were dropped the day before the trial began. One student charged got probation and two others got community service. Corcoran went off and joined the army and ended up in the special forces. He came back from afghanistan even more screwed up then when he lived in glen ridge, new jersey. He went on a shooting rampage in north carolina and shot and wounded his estranged wife and her new boyfriend. The asshole promptly shot himself and died. The glen ridge rape case curse continues
Lt. James Kearns is said to be the one on the undercover videotape boasting about shaking down the El Monsenor for two cases of beer.He's the scumbag seen smashing out the windows an old unmarked police car with a nightstick. Lt. Feeny is on the tape as well, but he was off-duty and not punished. Lt. Michael Delancey got caught drinking on tape and on duty. Sgt.Kevin Buckley appears to be there as well. They were alll suspended except for Feeny. Mayor Bollwage wouldn't even comment about his great examples of the Elizabeth police department. Maybe he was drunk while watching channel 12 the other night.
Frank C. D'Agosta was a 45 year old detective in the Jersey City Police Department in 2003. This 24 year veteran was arrested for taking $10,000 in kickbacks from a Hudson County gambling ring. He threatened to close down the ring if not paid. D'Agosta was sentenced to a prison term the following year on both state and federal charges. On less scumbag cop prowling the streets of jersey city.
Chalk another one up for the NJ Division of criminal justice. Their investigation resulted in the arrest of Newark female Police officer Brandy Johnson in 2004. She was a five year veteran of the newark police department at the time. she was indicted in the Summer of 2004 on conspiracy and hindering apprehension as well as 2 counts each of official misconduct, distribution of cds, and distribution of cds within 1,000 feet of a school. SHE was quickly suspended without pay and SHE was later indicted by a grand jury. SHE was selling drugs near a school from her house at the time. All Newark residents who are fed up with their city's police selling drugs like this one can call 1 866 TIPS UCJ to report them and send them to jail.
Police corruption continues throughout new jersey, where not even the New Jersey State are immune from it. No surpise there as these kkk officers aren't immune from shit.New Jersey State police sgt. Gary Stolinski worked Governor Codey's security detial. He came upon and stole an arizona resident's name, birth date, and social security number. He was on duty at the time used the information to apply for 5 credit cards. American express notified the victim in Arizona, who contacted his local police. He was indicteed by a grand jury on charges of identity theft,official misconduct, and credit card fraud. This great 17 year veteran of the new jersey state police was suspended without pay and faces more than 12 years in jail if convicted. let's hope he is convicted so our identities will be safe once again.
New Jersey state Trooper Joseph Panick of Woodbridge. this two year veteran of the new jersey state police plead guilty to official misconduct in 2004. he responded to a woman's call for help in kingwood township in hunterdon county. Trooper Panick coerced the woman into having sex with him while he was on duty. He was given probation and has thankfully lost his job with the new jersey state police. New Jersey's citizens need to be protected from state troopers such as this one. there are mopre out there and people need to be wary.
police corruption continues to occur on a constant basis within the newark, new jersey police department. nothing continues to be done about corrupt rogue officers. newark police officers Darius Smith and Lawrence Furlow were arrested and indicted on charges of official misconduct and theft in 2004.They terrorized local drug dealers and robbed them of drugs and cash. the newark police department let this go on from 2002 to 2004. They were only suspended after being indicted
one of the main reason the crime rate in irvington new jersey is out of control is that the irvington police department has many a corrupt police officer. complaints came in to the state's division of criminal justice about several officers in the irvington police department. The New Jersey State Police decided to set up a sting operation. they set up near an irvington warehouse and made a call in about a burglary there. Irvington police officers charles man, anthony margotta, robert shaw, and michael daniluk responded. they went into the warehouse to investigate and came out with toasters, clothes, and cameras before leaving. they were then arrested by the new jersey state police and released a grand jury indicted them on charges of theft and official misconduct. tips about cops throughout irvington such as these will be later arrested by calling 1 800 tips4-cj
please continue postings as to corruption in the newark new jersey police department
the new jersey state police continue to deplete the ranks of corrupt police departments such as jersey city and west new york. the office of insurance fraud prosecutor helped the nj state police auto unit on this 1999 case. These two police officers "gave up" their personal cars and then reported them stolen to their insurance companies to collect the money. Steven Collier of the jersey city police department and west new york police officer jose alvarez were arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit theft by deception. They gave up their cars and then reported them stolen to their respective insurance companies.
Lawrence Ricci was a reputed capo in the Genovese Crime family.He grew up in Newark and ended up on trial for some criinal activity in 2004. He vanished during the trial and wasn;t heard from again. His body sat in the trunk of a car parked at the Huck Finn Diner (Morris Avenue in Union, New Jersey) for several weeks. He was found later and likely died from a gunshot to the head.
Detective Louis Turco works for the newark, new jersey police dept. In 1997 this rookie chased a robbery suspect into Jersey City where he shot and killed him. In 1999 Turco chased a burglar into Harrison where he shot and killed that suspect. He was cleared by the newark police department in both killings.
Detective Turco put in a request for a marked Newark patrol car to escort a relative's funeral procession. His superior officers denied the request.
Turco disregarded orders and led Ricci's funeral procession from Union to Newark. He wore his uniform and used a marked Newark police car.
In April of 1999 Orange, New Jersey police officer Joyce Carnegie was shot to death while on duty in orange. The suspect was described as a black bald man with a goatee.
The Orange police quickly began looking for the killer. They pulled over a car, from which a bald black man fitting the desciption with a loaded handgun ran. This parolee Earl Faison, 27 was arrested moments later.
He was beaten,handcuffed,and beaten again in the back of a police car. He was brought to the orange police department where the beating continued. He was pepper sparyed while handcuffed and beaten again. He died within an hour after suffering an asthma attack. reports were adjusted and no action was taken by the orange police at all. department. The FBI investigated the case and charges were brought against the five orange police officers.
Problem was that faison was not Carnegie's killer. Another man fitting the desciption was arrested and admitted to the killing. he was later sentenced to life in prison
The officers were tried in a US District court on charges of consiring to deny Faison his civil rights.
Orange police officers Thomas Smith, Brian Smith, Andrew Garth, Tyrone Payton, and Paul Carpinteri were found guilty in a federal court and sentenced to several years in prison.
its important to remember that there police corruption throughout the entire state of new jersey. one case involving the lakewood , new jersey police department comes to mind.
Thomas Jacobs (age 49 and white)was driving through lakewood on the night of july 6, 2001. He was driving a little below the speed limit. An unmarked van with three undercover lakewwod police offficers was inside and followed a little too clase. Jacobs (who didn't know they were detectives)exchanged words with one of them a a light about their driving. The van followed and began chasing Jacobs. A scared Jacobs telephoned 911 and began telling the lakewood police dispatcher that some kids were chasing him. he disregarded their lights , but did eventually pull over.
He was pulled out of his car on joe parker road in lakewood and was beaten and kicked in the face. he was arrested and brough to the lakewood police station where medical attention was refused. He was taken to a hospital several hours later. His injuries were so severe that the hospital decided to send him to the trauma center in neptune.
witnesses that lived on joe parker road verified jacobs's account
Jacobs had a broken eye socket and two damaged discs in his back.
Lakewood police officers steven kelusak, chistopher spagnuolo, and joseph qualiano were later indicted
Ocean County towns continue hiring and promoting psychotic police officers who shouldn't be working in this line of work. Captain Patrick Kissane of the Lavalette Police department is the latest example. Tiny Lavalette's only female police officer filed a sexual discrimination lawsuit against Kissane in 2005. She claimed that Kissane sent her on fake calls, handcuffed her, taped her mouth shut, and make lewd remarks towards her.
Kissane couldn't take the stress and shot himelf to death in his Dover home on 1/23/06. He was known for even giving Lavalette's mayor tickets. Lavalette needs to think twice about who they hire in the future.
Things will be a little quiter in Lavalette not that Captain Kissane has fallen on his sword. Nobody is above the law and Kissane was a stickler for them. He should have followed the rules and laws he so often completely enforced. Jerk killed himself and is probably in hell right now as a result.
theres a job available now at the lavalette police dept. All applicants must be sane aand must be ab;e to work with all others without harrassing them.
Everyone up in Lavalette will forget about Kissane in a little while. I already have
here's yet another tale about the nazi style of tactics used by the newark police department. Danette "Strawberry" Daniels was 31 years old and pregnant. Newark police officer Robert Leakes Jr. arrested her for buying drugs. He shot her to death after a scuffle started in the back of the police car. Angry local residents promptly responded with a rain of rocks and bottles.
I checked back in to this blog from last month to make a comment about our suspended--now Sgt--future Ptlmn James Kearns. It looks like everyone has forgotten about this particluar scumbag. Guess i will too and walk up to the top of the parking deck to take a midnbight shot of white label i just purchased (see I didn't shake down) next to Hollywood Fried Chicken. BOTTOMS UP JIMMY
Captain Kissane across in Lavalette was just an old school woman-hater
it's kinda funny how this one article generated so much blog activity about police corruption in new jersey's various police departments. I have to say that the jersey city police department deserves the titl as new jersey's most corrupt(sorry everyone who hates the newark police dept.)
The Jersey city police department has nazi officers who do nothing but beat to death citizens and jersey city residents. the jersey city pd and the city itself continues to vigorously defend its rogue officers.
Patrolman JOHN CHIUSOLO was with a partner in an unmarked car doing a prisoner transport. Maximo Cintro'n was a 22 year old puerto rican tinting the windows of a friend's car. He was doing this in the street and it slowed down the police transport. An annoyed CHIUSOLO began writing Cintron a ticket for repairing a motor vehicle in the street. Cintron took the ticket and apparently ripped it up and threw it on his friend's car.
A scuffle ensued and patrolman CHIUSOLO shot Cintron to death. The JCPD defended his actions and a grand jury cleared him of the killing three months later.
The Jersey City Police dept does not know when it has a serial killer on its hand until it is too late. they continue to hire officers like john CHIUSOLO and there are others in the JERSEY CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT now in 2006
Julio Tarquino was a 22 year old Bolivian visiting from Palm Springs, Florida. He was in jersey city to see his fiancee'in 1995. The couple stopped in a jersey city gas station to refuel. A pair of white males made some remarks and continued to do so. An argument and a possible fight ensued.
Off- duty Jersey City PTLMN John CHIUSOLO came upon the scene. He handcuffed Tarquino and threw him to the ground. he beat Tarquino and began kicking him in the head. he also beat his fiancee'. An arrested Tarquino was taken to the hospital and quickly released into the custudy of the jersey city police.
He continued to complain about head trauma and was ignored. Hwe wenty in to convulsions and died of bleeding on the brain six hours later in a jersey city police cell.
The jersey city police4 dpeartment did not initially punish CHIUSOLO and commended him on the arrest.
Outraged citizens protested and CHIUSOLO was arrrested and indicted. He went to trial and was convicted in 1999 of official misconduct and aggravated asssault for the Tarquino incident. He received a maximun 9 year jail sentence and was released in 2002.
The jersey city police department continues to have officers like CHIUSOLO in 2006. Sorry Newark, but the jersey city police department holds the title for new jersey's most corrupt police department Where else can you have uniformed officers beat and kill citizens and then get a pat on the back by city hall. CHIUSOLO is white of course. peace y'all
Every police deptartment in hudson corrupt (except for Bayonne). Lets look at west new york. Five police officers were indicted in 1998 in federal court for taking bribes and kickbacks and protecting various illegal rackets.
West New York Police cheif Alexander F. Oriente received 4 years.
West New York police officer Miguel morales jr. got 18 months.
West New York police officer Miiguel Morales Sr. got 20 months
West New York police officer Alex Rosada got 27 months
West New York police officer manuel gomez got 2 years probation.
These five federally convicted west new york police officers are fine examples of what still remains in non-american west new york. wish there was one american in the place who would uphold values such as honesty, integrity, and the law.
Over in Camden, new jersey things aren't much better. 2 camden police officers stopped and handcuffed a 15 year old drug suspect in October 2005. Detective lawrence norman and policeman george ingram were charged with official misconduct on friday january 27, 2006. it is alleged that they beat the handcuffed teen and jabbed him several times with some blunt object. they continue to be suspended without pay.
talk about ooooppss teh NYPD makes them every single day and people and their own officers are wounded and kille in the process. Eric Hernandez went into a White castle in the Bronx (Tremont) on Sunday January 29, 2006. This 24 year old new york city police officer was a 1999 graduate of manville high school up in somerset county, nj.
Several male patrons on line recognized Hernandez and began taunting him. Hernandez had previously been drinking and walked out of the white castle.
One of the 5 men taunting him said "You should be paying for our sodas." HernandEZ came back and was attacked. He was punched and knocked down by the five men. They kicked him and stopmed his head. A brav Hernandez was able to fight back and dragged one suspect out into the parking lot. He drew his weapon and held the suspect at gunpoint.
Two NYPD officers pulled into the parking lot and saw hernandez holding a gun to the man's head. They ordered him to drop the weapon and officer Alfredo Toro of Washingtonville, NY opened fire. Hernadez did not fire his weapon and did not aim it at the other uniformed officers. They thought he was going to hurt the guy who had just been beating him. An attack beating which was captured on the white castle video cameras. Hernandez may have been dazed and may not have been able to hear the other officer's commands . his ears were probably ringing from being stomped.He was angry and may have just had tunnel vision.
Police officer hernandez was shot three times and sufferred massive blood loss from two arterial wound. He was taken to the hospital and survived. Police brass and the mayor only pointed out that Hernndez had been drinking prior to the shooting.
The passaic county sheriffs department, several municipal police departments, narcotics officers, and the passaic county prosecutors office conducted narcotics raids on August 8 and 9 2004. They had to do the raids earlier than planned.
It seemed as though police oficers involved in the planning tipped off the various drug dealers. The drug ring in question peddled oxycontin, steroids, cocaine, and prescription pills throughout passaic county.
Pompton Lakes police officer Brian DePrima was arrested two weeks later and charged with official misconduct and dealing drugs. Drug dealing cops like him that sell drugs to children have no place in new jersey.
Gerald ward was a 22 year veteran of the Passaic County Sheriffs office.He tipped off one of the targeted drug dealers of the impending raid. This scumbag cop was arrested on december 17, 2004. He was charged with official misconduct and hindering apprehension.
Found this blog going on about bad cops in new jersey. Edison Patrolman david salardino looks like some gay devient police officer.
Two men were walking past a comfort inn in ocean city, maryland on the night of 8/3/2005. they heard banging three stories above and looked up.They saw a naked man flexing his muscles at at window. they talked to hotle staff who came out with them to see the same thing. People across the street outside a Dennys saw the same thing. The man in the window closed the blinds when he noticed a crowd forming.
someone called the ocean city police who went to that room.32 year old Edison patrolman dennis salardino was inside (now wearing just shorts). he said he was an edison police officer and that he was walking around the room naked. he stated he may have been at the window, but was only folling around. This jerk was arrested for indescent exposure.
Makes you wonder as he was alone with 28 year old brian Rossmeyer of edison. Rossmeyer's father is a lieutenant with the nazi edison police department. he was charged as well.
Thankfully for us all Salardino was quickly suspended without pay from the edison police department. See ya DAVID
found this great blog about police corruption in our beloved state of new jersey. Every police department in New Jersey has officers who murder innocents, plant drugs/weapons on innocent people, and who continue to rape women and even children.
SHAYNE OGDEN was a sheriffs officer in sussex county. His blind superiors described him as an excellent officer. They even placed him near children as a dare officer. Several young preteen girls came forward stating that Shayne ogden touched them and assualted them continually over a period of 6 years.
The case went to neighboring morris county to prevent favoritism by the sussex county court system shayne ogden worked for.
he plead guilty in 2002 to sexually assaulting a girl under the age of 13 and endangering the welfare of a chjild. What do those sussex county government officials have to say now?? Where are those in the sussex county sheriffs department who sang his praises while he sexually assaulted
young girls under ten years old all the while ignoring their complaints about the assaults.....
An impartial morris county judge thankfully sentenced Shayne Ogden to a maximum state prison term of ten years. he nis still safe insdie prison as i write this entry for all to see on 2/1/06. happy groundhogs day 2006 to all who are now safe in my great sussex county.
living in Elizabeth has gootten better since that James Kearns and some other top Elizabth police officers were suspended from the police department.Mayor J. Christian Bollwage's rsponse of no comment when channel 12 wanted to show him news footage of kearns drinking bragging and breaking car windows is typical of Bollwage.
elizabeth is run by corrupt officers like lt. kearns, and bollwage does absolutely nothing but look the other way. It is great that channel 12 filmed these drunks for hours making complete fools of themselves.
i don't remember the particulkars, but the elizabeth police department used to have a secret society called the family. it was run by this high ranking officer who fancied himself after hitler and always nazi style remarks/comments etc....my older brother said theat even the police department had enough and banished the guy to some small file room. i ahve to research it and will post the info when i find it
is Kearns part of this secret nazi family group?
Sea Girt is a little monmouth county town alongside the Atlantic Ocean. It's a close-knit community with just a 12 member police dpeartment.
Citizens of places like Sea Girt expect their police officers to protect them, their children, and their neighbors from drug dealers.
Theres no shortage of scumbags in the Sea Girt police department apparently. The monmouth county prosecutors office began looking into a drug ring operating in sea girt back in the early 1990's. They found that Sgt. Joseph Beaumont, Lt. Robert Hindman, and Capt. Guy Cavalieri were dealing drugs throughout sea girt. They were brining in one pound of coaine into Sea Girt for sale every week. There were 17 others involved in the ring. These scumbag cops in sold drugs my town and protected the other 17 dealers. Monmouth County quickly came in and arrested the three sea girt cops and 17 other local dealers. These cops taught dare classes to young school children by day and sold drugs to kids out of their patrol cars whenever they pleased.
3 cops out of a 12 member department means that 25% of the dept was dealing drugs. Only 25% of the sea girt police department was arrested though. There may have been other cops involved or in the very least they turned their head while this was going on. I am patiently waiting for monmouth county to come back and clean up the sea girt police department again here in 2006. And these cops here in sandy Sea Girt swear to uphold the law???????
It is always nice when disgraced ex-cops promptly get "theirs."
Patrolman Anthony Tortorella (lately of Branchville in Sussex County)was working for the Orange Police department since 1990.Orange patrolman Joyce Carnegie was sadly gunned down one night in Orange in 1999. The OPD and other agencies began a widespread dragnet to apprehend the suspect who was described as a bald black man.
Earl faison of East Orange was on parole and sadly fit the description. He ran when stopped and had a gun. He didn't kill officer Carnegie (another black male was later arrested and admitted to the crime)but was quickly blamed. A group of OPD officers took it upon themselves to extract a little beat down, which would have been acceptable had faison been the shooter-he was not though. He was knocked around at headquarters while handcuffed and sprayed close range with OC (pepper spray) in the face. he had an asthma attack and quickly passed away.
A group of officers was arrested and convicted in federal court. Tortorella was involved, but he and 14 other officers testified against five others to get away with the beating. He was later suspended and finally fired in 2002.
This brings us to former Nutley patrolman David Moran(39). He was the Nutley pd's resident whiner and complainer.He began his career in 1990 and Nutley suspended him and then fired him three years back in 2003.
These two lovely examples of law enforcement began selling cds (drugs)in Nutley and neigboring Belleville.
Nutley officers paid them a visit at 4 am at Joralemon Street in Belleville on 1/27/06.
They arrested Tortorella and charged him with poss of cds and poss of paraphernalia.
David Moran was in the residence and charged with Poss of cds, poss of cds w/ int to dist., and poss of a weapon (M-1 assault rifle).
A white female was arrested as well. Nutley pd located several devices (crushed soda cans) used to cook narcotics. They located more than 4 dozen Endocot pills. They are similar to oxycodone.
Officers like these two shitheads tarnish the badges we all wear proudly and deserve nothing less than jail time. Thankfully they were fired.May they never be in a position to uphold the law again.
It is early february 2006 and Elizabeth police director James Cosgrove has made an ass out himself once again.
Elizabeth resident Robert Vidal was eating at a restaurant minding his own businees. Director Cosgrove happened to be in the same crowded eatery as well.
Director Cosgrove made a throat slashing gesture to Vidal and told him "he was dead." several other patrons confirmed the gesture and comment.
Vidal apparently did nothing to provoke the incident.
The FBI and US Attorney are thankfully investigating. Cosgrove needs to dethroned asap.
Vidal was running for office a short time agao when a detective threatened his life. Mayor J. Christian Bollwage and director cosgrove stood nearby laughing. That complaint made it to the news media and the FBI as well. Cosgrove is another piece of shit who needs to lose his job.
His son was recently working for the essex county homicide unit. Nj state police arrested him for stealing $10,000 from a body that was later determined to be a mafia victim. Corrutption seems to run in the cosgrove family.
Channel 12 contacted cosgrove who refused to comment.
The elizabeth police department just made the news where an undercover news 12 camera caught high ranking officers drinking (some on duty). Lt James kearns was caught breaking a police car's window while drunk with a machete.
Cosgrove needs to go and fast
Hope you guys don't mind a brother from Harlem brekaing in on your blogging. New York City has hundreds of corrupt white nazi police officers who get away with drug dealing, rpae, and murder every single day of the year.
Alberta Spruill was a 57 african-american city employee of 29 years living in a Harlem apartment.
She lived in apartment 6f at 310 West 143rd street.
more than ten Nazi NYPD officers from the emergency services unit went to that address shortly after 6am one day in May of 2003.
They had a no-knock search warrant to arrest a drug dealer who had weapons and pit bulls.
These gestapo nazi scumbag officers used a battering ram to knock down her door. They threw in a flash grenade which exploded. They stormed in and threw Spruill down on the floor at gunpoint. The 57 woman was handcuffed by these nazi thugs.
Spruill was handcuffed and began complaining of breathing problems and stated ahe had heart problems. The Heartless NYPD officers kept her handcuffed and ignored her complaints. An ambulance was called at 6:30 am and Spruill reached harlem Hospital at 8 am. They kept her there for another hour and a half.
This occurred while the nazi swat team that made the mistake that killed her laughed about the raid.These COPS (Criminals on Patrol) still have nothing to say about the matter. An eye for eye is the only way to deal with these matters. Sorry for directing your nj corruption blog away to the NYPD.
The Elizabeth police department fucking sucks and so does Dircetor james Cosgrove.
Problems throughout the Newark police dept continue surfacing each and every day. The 2/4/06 Star Ledger contained a report about captain Ralph Boswell. A female complained he had sex with her in the back of his police car in McDonalds parking lot on 18th avenue. This 21 year veteran of the newark police department was just promoted nine days before. The newark police department quickly suspended captain ralph boswell on Friday 2/3/06. An investigation is ongoing.
Three separate citizens filed federal lawsuits in 2004-5 against several police officers in the Readington Township police department. The lawsuits claim various officers used excessive force in making arrests. These citizens claimed to have been punched, elbowed, kicked, threatened, taunted, and insulted. One complaint states a readington officer pushed his head through the rear window of a police car. Police chief James Paganessi "no comment" response to the Star ledger is the same thing Elizabeth Director Cosgrove said when New 12 played that videotape of officers drinking.
This blog is the best thing in the nj area for commenting on local police corruption. Every siongle day another corrupt cop in NJ goes down. Keep it up....keep calling to report them as they do evnetually get theirs..The papers/news in early feb 2006 have a lot of great articles on the matter
NJ STATE TROOPER JAMES J. HARVEY workled southern NJ out of Moorestown. This 8 year veteran was arrested Monday 2/6/06 in cherry Hill. State authorities allege he and Phoenix Coyetes coach Rick Tocchet ranb a multi-million dollar gambling ringwith ties to organized crime in Philadelphia. They apparently tookm in $1.7 million in bets in the past 6 months alone.HARVEY was suspended without pay from his $75,000/year job keeping us safe and is facing criminal/administrative charges. he may lose his job.
Their ring took bets from other NHL players and possibly Wayne Gretzky's wife (who a mickey mouse now?)
Search Warrants as to HARVEY revealed he had two house, 9 plasma screen tvs, $27,000 cash $250,000 in rolex watches, bank accounts with hundreds of thousands of dollars. The star ledger quoted his His FOP representative (a fellow state trooper of course who continues to act oblivious)as saying he (Harvey) came to work and did his job).
SGt James Feder of the West Orange PD was suspended without pay from his $88,000 year job on MOnday 2/6/06. This 23 year veteran worked in internal affairs. He had a 20 year comedy gig as Club Soda Kenny.Feder got his start working with Andrew Dice Clay 20 years back.
Club Soda Kenny's routines involved cursing and joked about rape, bestiality, rape, and child molestation. A cd of his 12/8/05 act In Times Square was mailed to various West Orange Officials
Former Newark cop Nicholas Baglione Jr. was just found dead of what looks like a suicide in hazlet nj.He and Dennis Fiore, 50 were one time friends. Fiore was found shot dead outside the italian American club in Newark in July of 2002. Baglione had cancer by 2002 and his friends took up thousands of dollars in a collection. Fiore was entrusetd to deliver the money to Baglione, but this lifelong friend never did. he instead began driving around in a new cadillac.
Fiore won $8,380 in cash playing cards one night and headed to his car. Police later found him shot dead nearby.
Trusted Essex County Detective John Cosgrove apparently pocketed the $8,380 himself. His father John Cosgrove is director of the elizabeth police dept.
Baglione retired on disability in 20004.
Cosgrove was arrested in 2005 after a tip came in about the $8,380 in cash. The Nj State Police came and investigated due to Fiore's organized crime ties .Cosgrove brought back what he said was the $8,380 claiming he had taken it out of evidence for paperwork. The years on some of the money postdated the 2002 death of fiore.
On less corrupt state trooper will be patrolling our highways and pretending to uphold the law. SGt. Michael Kaiser (Sounds German to me)was a newly promted SGt. First Class working a desk for a Parkway unit was just suspended in the NHL Gambling probe. Here we are another day and awaiting the next beloved trooper to follow. What a fall
Pizza's here SLICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Elizabeth Police Department has made an excellent example out of that drunken Lt. James Kearns. The Star Ledger is reporting that he was suspended for 6 months and demoted from all the way back to patrolman. Guess he'll be having a great time walking a beat down Broad Street and writing parking tickets and chasing shoplifters. What an asshole!
Good ol' JK spent St. Patty's Day on the bottle. He had no other choice from what the word is. The L.t. not only fell off the wagon but down the chain of command as well. This newest elizabeth patrolman will be walking a beat up down elizabeth avenue for a long time coming. he has to complete his six month suspension without pay first. probably spent march 17th shaking down a spanish tavern and ordering pizza. This shanty irish begotten
what a disgrace to the wearin' o' the green.that guy james kearns is a disgrace. from what you guys are saying it looks at though much of the elizabeth police department is acting the same way. i thought i heard someone say that a 35+ year veteran of the elizabeth police department was about to retire. he decided to report in to work and killed himself in the police station with his own weapon. that chief cosgrove or whoever has to get the elizabeth police department under control. the police oficers are out of control the chief has done nothing. i think that james kearns needs to lose his job
not too worry all but it sure be a shame that this disgrace of an irishman should be allowed to return to the department---even as a lowly patrolman. begorrah to him and all his friends!!he can't be irish judging from his stupid behavior with a news crew filming at the james v. debiasio parking lot "imeacht gan teacht ori" (may you leave without returning as he doesn't get the irish anyway) an to think corona and pizza instead of jameson
this blog popped up under elizbeth police....i think its great how everyone is tearing the corrupt elizabeth police department a new one. There were about 25 officers punished for that party/drinking incident news 12 taped on top of the p[olice parking deck. from what the star ledger is saying, Lt. James Kearns was suspended for 6 months and demoted all the way back to patrolman. that has got to be one hell of a paycut though. the epd has a shitload of problems they can't deal with and it keeps geting worse. A Lt. Riley worked there for 35+ years and was about to retire. this guy walks into the police station on East Grand and goes into a basement shower stall and commited suicide by shooting himself.inconsiderate selfish motherfucker probably left behind a wife and children. i recall another elizabeth police officer killed himself in the 1990's after he got arrested for shoplifting a few rolls of film. another white officer received 25 years of jail for helping to beat man to death outside a bar. still another elizabeth officer got drunk and broke into a house of a elderly retired state trooper. This drunk beat the ederly man and his sister. he got fired and hasn't been seen again. Dirctor Cosgrove's son worked for the essex county prosecuter's office. he was arrested by the state police for stealing $8,000 from the dead body of a mob wanabee in newark. turns out the killer may have been this newark cop named baglione. he had stomach cancer and retired on disability. the italian club where they hung out had a fundraiser to help the ailing baglione. they raised $8,000 and this guy was going to deliver the proceeds to baglione. he never produced and showed up in a new cadillac instead. baglione was pissed and apparently shot and killed the guy later on. baglione was later found dead in car of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. keep up the good work guys and keep up the heat on these nazi kkk members who have no right to wear a badge. hopefuloly these drink cops won't be shaking down anyone else soon. if we are all patient these corrupt cops will either all be arrested or simply kill themselves peace
Can't say that i've seen to much of LT JIMMY KEARNS around our HQ as of late. No wait come to think of nopt since he was suspended w/o pay for 180 days+.He is just some wannabe skiny Irishman who couldn't find Belfast on a map when sober. Someone on the shift came up with the catch phrase while eating lunch "sure ain't seen kearns at ferns"
this blog popped up while searching out new jersey police corruption our highways will be a lot safer as one more SS state tropper is going to be behind bars where he cant sell drugs,run a gambling ring, and assualt or kill motorists. Tropper Moises Hernandez plead guilty in state court on 4/27/06 to to dealing drugs, witness tampering, and money laundering. This beloved state trooper was vigorously defendd by his corrupt organization, but now faces the prospect of a 24 year jail term.the nj state p[olice need to stop hiring criminals
New Jersey State Trooper Moise PLEADS GUILTY!
Trooper guilty of helping drug ring
Friday, April 28, 2006
ELIZABETH -- A state trooper pleaded guilty to racketeering and other charges Thursday, admitting he aided members of a Union County drug ring.
Detective Sgt. Moises Hernandez, who was suspended without pay in June, will be fired and faces up to 24 years in state prison when sentenced July 14, authorities said.
"It is sad to think that a law enforcement officer would sink to such low conduct but we commend the leadership of our state police for working relentlessly with our detectives to eliminate this cancer from their ranks," Union County Prosecutor Theodore J. Romankow said.
Hernandez, of Union Township, who served for 19 years, also pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute cocaine, witness tampering, money laundering and official misconduct.
Under oath before state Superior Court Judge Joseph Donohue, Hernandez outlined a series of crimes that began in January 2002, when he began funneling drug proceeds into checking accounts to make the money appear like legitimate business funds.
Hernandez said his crimes continued until last month, when he threatened to kill witnesses who were providing information about him to authorities, the prosecutor's office said.
Romankow said the investigation, which involved months of surveillance, undercover detective work and wiretaps, is continuing.
Hernandez and more than a dozen others, including his wife Tina, were charged last year in connection with trafficking cocaine from Colombia.
'One bad cop' tells judge he's big-time drug dealer
State Police narc faces 24 years for million-dollar ring
Friday, April 28, 2006
Star-Ledger Staff
He was "one bad cop," the state's top law enforcement official said.
"A Judas and a turncoat -- a criminal who became a cop," said another lawman.
Dealt drugs. Laundered money. Intimidated witnesses who helped authorities. Warned he could kill them.
And pampered himself with luxuries like a brand new Mercedes convertible.
Detective Sgt. Moises Hernandez, a decorated State Police narcotics detective, admitted yesterday in an Elizabeth courtroom that he was a major drug dealer who laundered money and threatened to kill witnesses in order to save himself from prosecution.
A grim-faced Hernandez, with the help of Superior Court Judge Joseph Donohue in Union County, outlined how he used dealers to sell cocaine and marijuana in a million-dollar operation that began in 2002.
Hernandez, 39, laundered his cut of the drug proceeds, estimated in the thousands of dollars, by having a trucking company owner in Elizabeth write checks from drug sales to Hernandez's brother-in-law, Michael Soto. Soto then turned over the cash to Hernandez, who kept some and returned the rest to the trucking company owner.
The officer, who earned a $78,000 salary as a state trooper, was able to bank thousands of dollars a month and bought himself a 2006 Mercedes SL worth $98,000. To intimidate a cooperating witness, Hernandez said he could kill people who cooperated with law enforcement.
And when one of his drug dealers was arrested in 2004, the officer called the Union County Prosecutor's Office and lobbied for lesser charges and the man's release.
Hernandez, who was known in the State Police as a fearless trooper, faces 24 years in state prison for money laundering, conspiracy to distribute cocaine and marijuana, official misconduct, witness tampering and racketeering conspiracy.
The illegal activities stretched back to at least 1998 in Union Township, Elizabeth and other parts of the state, according to Union County Prosecutor Theodore Romankow.
Romankow called the 19-year veteran a "Judas and a turncoat."
"It is sad to think that a law enforcement officer would sink to such a low conduct ... " the prosecutor said. "He was a criminal who became a cop."
Romankow said Hernandez sold drugs to other dealers who cut the cocaine and marijuana and readied it for sale on the streets.
At a news conference in Elizabeth, Attorney General Zulima Farber said she is outraged at Hernandez's conduct.
"This was one bad cop," she said. "This is one of those days when my second language fails me. I am trying to find the right words in English. For officer Hernandez to abuse his oath is unspeakable. It is a total outrage."
Hernandez, who worked in narcotics since 1990, remained poised throughout the 20-minute court proceeding, refusing to look at the law enforcement contingent that filled one-half of the courtroom.
But after his conviction, as he was about to be led back to jail in his tan prison overalls, a tearful Hernandez faced his former boss, Lt. Col. Frank Rodgers. He started to sob and begged forgiveness.
"I asked him if he is religious, because he is asking the wrong person," Rodgers said. "Mr. Hernandez has dishonored himself, our office and our badge. We will do everything in our power, every resource to identify traitors."
Investigators believe Hernandez's wife, Tina Hernandez, 35, helped him in the illicit operation.
She faces charges of money laundering and conspiracy to distribute cocaine. Soto, her 23-year-old brother, faces a money laundering charge. Each face up to 10 years in prison. Police believe Hernandez laundered at least $75,000 between Jan. 27, 2003 and Sept. 15, 2003.
Hernandez attended college and became a state trooper in 1986. He has five children and lived with his wife on Oakland Avenue in Union Township.
Someone who answered a telephone call to Hernandez's Union Township home last night hung up when a reporter identified herself.
Union County narcotics detectives were tipped off to Hernandez by a telephone wiretap. They overheard drug dealers talking to Hernandez about a State Police vehicle that was tailing suspected heroin and cocaine supplier Christian Thillet.
Investigators then realized that Hernandez, a state trooper, searched through the state motor vehicle database on Feb. 22, 2005 for an unmarked State Police vehicle involved in the surveillance.
He has been under suspension since February 2005.
The officer, who was commended two years ago for coming to the aid of a fellow trooper under attack in Bergen County, will lose his pension and the right to hold another public position, the nearly $59,000 from his bank account and the luxury convertible.
It took nearly two weeks of negotiations for Assistant Union County Prosecutors Julie Peterman and Jo-Ann Miller to convince him the evidence against him was overwhelming.
Investigators had wiretaps, bank statements and testimony from witnesses that put Hernandez in the midst of the drug scheme that involved at least 20 people.
"What this man did put at risk the lives of so many people," Farber said. "The punishment he faces is hardly enough."
Judith Lucas covers the Union County Courthouse. She may be reached at jlucas@starledger.com or (908) 527-4011.
The Edison police department may be one of new jersey's most corrupt. More edison police oifficers seem to get arrested than any other dept in the state. Edison Patrolman Robert Spinello was convicted by a federal jury of robbering the first savings bank in edison. Robert spinell0 aparently had $4,000 inj credit card debt...he held up the bank and left with $3,500 in cash... a customer followed this dumb ass outside and wrote down his license plate. it came back to spinello's wife. police found the $3,500 missing from the bank in spinello's condo. His faulty defense strategy said the $3,500 in cash was proceeds from atlantic city and that his brother must have robbed the bank and not him. dumb ass...whoever is in charge of hiring police officers in edison needs to lose their job...haven't you ever heard of a psychological test??
whatta link..the list of police officers from our beloved essex county just gets longer and longer..who hires these cops anyway????wanda scheumeister was an eight year veteran of the belleville PD..she was working in uniform one night a the k-mart when security camera caught her lifting $50 worht of garden supplies...she was arrested for shoplifting and suspended without pay for this june 2006 incident...
the BRADLEY BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT in lovely bradley beach new jersey takes the cake this week at the ten of june 2006. the sister of jersey city mayor jerramiah healy owns a bar in the tiny seaside borough of bradley beach...a dispute broke started outside her tavern at 2 am on june 18th..a man and woman were arguing and the bradley beach mayor healy owns a house in bradley beach.. he attempted to explain to the officers what he witnessed. the bradley beach officers on scene told him to leave.. healy remained in the vicinity and was physically taken down to the ground and slammed face first into the pavement...bradley beach police officer terry browning placed his knee into mayor healy's back...healy was handcuffed and blasted with pepper spray point blank into each eye after he was handcuffed..bradley beach police officers charged him with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct...healy sustained wrist injuries and nu8merous scapres and cuts...the honorable mayor of our beloved city is in the process of filing aggravated assalt charges against this bradley beach poilice officer terry browning..fake summertime rent-a-cop
Jersey City mayor arrested in Bradley Beach bar incident
6/18/2006, 8:32 p.m. ET
The Associated Press
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy said he was arrested and roughed up by Bradley Beach police this weekend for intervening in an argument between a couple outside a bar in the Monmouth County town.
Healy said he had just left Barry's Tavern — owned by his sister, Kathleen Barry — around 2 a.m. Saturday when he saw a couple arguing in the parking lot of a nearby auto shop. He said the man was jumping on the hood of his girlfriend's car.
After calmly talking the man down, Healy said, police arrived and forced both him and his wife to the ground.
"My lawyer has asked me not to speak, but I did absolutely nothing wrong," Healy told The Associated Press on Sunday.
Healy said police threw him on the ground and maced him. When his wife tried to retrieve his glasses, police shoved her to the ground too, according to Healy.
"I quelled a situation that the police were responding to. I told the young man to calm down. The kids stopped yelling and started talking," he said. "Then the police cars pulled up and the officers went overboard. I'm absolutely innocent."
Barry said her brother was "taking care of the situation" and was being a "good Samaritan."
"The one policeman has some sort of ego problem or something," Barry said. "Mrs. Healy has bruises all over her leg and her finger is broken."
Bradley Beach police did not return calls from The Associated Press on Sunday.
A witness, 32-year-old Hubert Cutolo, a lawyer from Colts Neck, agreed with Healy's account.
"We saw the whole thing. They were like older people and the officer threw him on the ground and cuffed him," said Cutolo, who was leaving the bar with two friends when they saw the incident. "It was really uncalled for. They knocked his wife to ground and then maced them. We were like, 'did that really just happen?' Officers are not supposed to act like that."
A police spokesman told The Jersey Journal of Jersey City that Healy interfered in an investigation of the couple's argument and ignored warnings from officers that he would be arrested if he did not leave.
Healy was handcuffed, taken to Bradley Beach Police headquarters and charged with two disorderly persons offenses and resisting arrest. He faces up to six months in jail and $2,000 in fines if convicted.
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State police arrested more than 20 local people for allegedly operating a half-million-dollar drug ring which was distributing cocaine and marijuana. The three Sea Girt police officers were accused of selling drugs and protecting the ring. Arrested were Joseph Beaumont, a sergeant with 12 years' experience with the department; Lieutenant Robert Hindman, a 13-year veteran; and Captain Guy Cavalieri, 11 years on the force and the father of three children. The accusations include charges that the ring brought a pound of cocaine into Sea Girt each week and that the police were selling drugs out of their squad cars.
I found this article on how cops in and around bradley beach actually behave lol
Bradley Beach police reaction was 'way over top,' says Healy
Monday, June 19, 2006
BRADLEY BEACH - Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy said he warned the man he was trying to calm down outside Barry's Tavern early Saturday morning that Bradley Beach police "don't play around."
And Healy - sporting cuts on his forehead, knees and shins, scrapes on his face and marks from handcuffs on his wrists - said yesterday that he learned that for himself when he was cuffed, Maced and arrested. He was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest after police say he interfered with their investigation outside the bar around 2 a.m., reports said.
Healy recounted the evening's events yesterday while sitting in Barry's, his sister's bar, whose walls are adorned with framed Jersey Journal news stories about the mayor.
Healy said he and his wife, Maureen, had just left the bar after a graduation party for his niece - who graduated from the State Police training facility - when he saw a man jumping on the hood of a car. After learning the man was upset because his girlfriend refused to let him drive home, Healy said he tried to calm the man down and warned him against giving the police a problem when they arrived.
But Healy, whom his spokeswoman said had drunk "a couple beers," apparently failed to heed his own advice.
One cop began to yell at the woman, Healy said, prompting him to tell the officer that she hadn't done anything wrong. The cop then grabbed his arm, Healy said.
"I pulled it away, but he said 'That's it,'" Healy said.
Healy put his hands behind his back to be handcuffed but the officer threw him to the ground, the mayor and witnesses said. Healy's head was smashed into the pavement, cutting him, said one witness, Herbert Cutolo, who was leaving the bar at the time and saw the incident.
Healy asked why he was being handcuffed, and the officer jammed a knee into his back, Cutolo said.
"He didn't resist at all, he was trying to talk to them and explain the situation" said Cutolo.
The 6/25/06 Sunday issue of the Star Ledger only goes to show what kind of nazi thung this Browning is down in Bradley Beach. Hammonton resident Stephen j. Roth, 67, has a federal lawsuit pendiong against browning and the Bradley Beach police department. he received seven different sleeping tickets in 2004 and 2005. it is illegal in bradley beach to fall asleep in your car while parked on a street between midnight and 6 am. That must be bradley beach's idea of a crime wave. Their idea of a crack problem is a defect in the sidewalk.
CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY: In March, the Cherry Hill Courier-Post reported on the first stages of a local investigation into drug corruption in the Camden Police Department that reaches into the mayor's office. The case grew out of a federal trafficking trial in which defendants said officers shook them down for cash and drugs or alerted them to impending raids. The defendants, part of a ring that dominated drug sales in Camden in the 1990s, named "more than a dozen city police, county investigators and even a federal drug enforcement agent." Five defendants testified that Mayor Milton Milan bought and sold cocaine prior to becoming mayor in 1997.
The Courier-Post had reported in December 1999 that its own investigation found evidence that previously undisclosed law enforcement records named at least 10 Camden police as "assisting in the illegal sale of drugs, guns and ammunition as long as a decade ago." Six remain on the force.
"At one police substation," the Courier-Post reported, "drug traffickers grew so cozy with some officers throughout the 1990s that the entire Fifth Platoon was tainted with the nickname 'The Filthy Fifth.'"
The newspaper detailed a long-standing pattern of contacts between the trafficking organization and Camden police even as the drug ring was under state, local, and federal investigation.
CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY: In March, the Cherry Hill Courier-Post reported on the first stages of a local investigation into drug corruption in the Camden Police Department that reaches into the mayor's office. The case grew out of a federal trafficking trial in which defendants said officers shook them down for cash and drugs or alerted them to impending raids. The defendants, part of a ring that dominated drug sales in Camden in the 1990s, named "more than a dozen city police, county investigators and even a federal drug enforcement agent." Five defendants testified that Mayor Milton Milan bought and sold cocaine prior to becoming mayor in 1997.
The Courier-Post had reported in December 1999 that its own investigation found evidence that previously undisclosed law enforcement records named at least 10 Camden police as "assisting in the illegal sale of drugs, guns and ammunition as long as a decade ago." Six remain on the force.
"At one police substation," the Courier-Post reported, "drug traffickers grew so cozy with some officers throughout the 1990s that the entire Fifth Platoon was tainted with the nickname 'The Filthy Fifth.'"
The newspaper detailed a long-standing pattern of contacts between the trafficking organization and Camden police even as the drug ring was under state, local, and federal investigation.
Police Officers Steal From Police Department
A former West New York police sergeant pleaded guilty today, admitting his role in a scheme to steal approximately $60,000 seized by police during the investigation of a fire in West New York, U.S. Attorney Robert J. Cleary announced.
Ronald Riccie, 58, of Little Ferry, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Jerome B. Simandle to a one-count Information, charging him with participating with other West New York Police officers in the theft of the $60,000.
According to numerous published reports, a gentleman named Hamlet E. Goore was stopped by Fairview police back on May 26, 2006 at approximately ten o’clock in the morning during the “Click it or Ticket” enforcement program. Further inquiry revealed that the vehicle was unregistered and Mr. Goore’s license was reportedly suspended.
At some point during the stop, the New Jersey Attorney General, Zulima Farber, arrived at the scene. Mr. Goore is apparently Ms. Farber’s boyfriend.
The car was not towed (as had been planned,) and the summonses were later withdrawn or dismissed.
The controversy surrounding the encounter lies in what degree, if any, did Ms. Farber’s presence influence the outcome.
Cries for Ms. Farber’s resignation were being heard within hours of this incident coming to light, and the encounter is now ground zero in the continuing battle between New Jersey democrats and republicans.
Unfortunately, our guys are also in the middle of this unprecedented situation.
Stay tuned.
Police and Law Enforcement News
Monday, July 3, 2006 12:21 a.m.
fuck the newark polic department...why don't you guys stop eating at dunkin donuts and mcdonalds and do some real police work...try preventing the hundreds of murders the happen in your city instead of sitting at bruger king...get on the ball and keep our streets safe
New Jersey Ex-Trooper Gets 24-Year Sentence for Involvement With Drug Gang
by John Holl, The New York Times July 15, 2006
ELIZABETH, N.J. — During his 19 years as a trooper in the New Jersey State Police, Moises Hernandez received a long list of
New Jersey State Trooper Moises Hernandez was sentenced for his role in a drug-smuggling ring that brought up to six kilograms of cocaine and heroin into the U.S. daily.
commendations, including one for helping to save the
lives of several fellow officers in 2004 during a shootout with suspected drug dealers.
But at the same time that he was pursuing dealers as a narcotics detective, he acknowledged on Friday, he was working for a Colombia-based drug gang that the authorities say was responsible for bringing almost $6 million in cocaine and heroin into the U.S. daily.
Mr. Hernandez was sentenced on Friday to 24 years in prison. He pleaded guilty in the spring to conspiracy, money laundering, drug possession and official misconduct for his role in divulging privileged information about a narcotics case to drug dealers.
Mr. Hernandez became involved with the gang after he befriended an informant who worked in the drug ring. To hide his actions, he filed false reports to his supervisors, investigators said.
"He compromised his badge for greed," said Theodore J. Romankow, the Union County prosecutor, noting that Mr. Hernandez had bought a $98,000 Mercedes-Benz and other things with drug money.
Dressed in a blue business suit, the former trooper, who is 40, stood handcuffed to four other inmates as he addressed the court before his sentencing. He said the pressures of his job, coupled with a strenuous schedule and personal weakness, contributed to his downfall.
"I did not value life, but I did not have the opportunity to seek help," he said, choking back tears. "I am truly 100 percent remorseful. I dishonored my badge."
He closed his statement by saying that "in my heart I will always be a state trooper."
In September 2005, Mr. Hernandez, of Union, N.J., and 20 other people were charged for their roles in the ring that smuggled cocaine from Colombia and distributed it throughout the metropolitan area and Pittsburgh.
The ring, headed by Alejandro Cleves — who fled New Jersey and is believed by authorities to be hiding in Colombia — was bringing up to six kilograms of cocaine and heroin into the United States every day. Each kilo is worth anywhere from $750,000 to $1 million on the street, the authorities said.
Mr. Romankow, the prosecutor, said an investigation had revealed that Mr. Hernandez gave the suspects confidential information about specific undercover vehicles being used in surveillance operations.
Assistant Prosecutor Julie Peterman said that Mr. Hernandez helped the drug gang distribute 10 kilos of cocaine — about 100,000 vials — to dealers in Union County.
In court, Mr. Hernandez's lawyer, Raymond M. Brown of Woodbridge, N.J., sought to have the sentence reduced, and called the former officer "one of the most extraordinary and complex human beings I have ever met."
But Judge Joseph P. Donohue said that Mr. Hernandez had risked police officers' lives and darkened their public image.
"You thought you were a prince of the city, that you could do what you wish and that you were above the law," Judge Donohue said before sentencing Mr. Hernandez. In addition to prison, Mr. Hernandez must pay $580 in fines and surrender his car and $58,000 in savings.
His wife and other family members were in court but declined to comment after the sentencing.
Mr. Hernandez's former wife, Sonia Choto, with whom he has a son, said she was pleased with the sentence. "He never spent time with his son," she said. "I guess he was too busy dealing drugs, doing illegal activities."
he can always have tommy d'amico for a cellmate as if there weren't enough disgraced cops in jail as it is
The top deck is to E.P.D like your back yard is to you. Those of you that agree that kearns freel delancey and buckley got what they deserved need to remember this. The elizabeth police dept. was fine until c-2 arrived. MEN WERE MEN however since c-2 all has changed. REMEMBER THIS KEARNS FREEL DELANCEY AND BUCKLEY WERE FOR THE BOYS JUST WAIT TILL YOUR
you all have no clue what you are talking about. yes, you may know the sotires but only from a public ear. why dont u acutally try and find out the WHOLE story before judging it. police officers are people too- they are allowd to make mistakes. god knows you all arent perfect-- so why do you believe police officers should be? you just like to stereotype people- and when it comes down to the end, you are the idiotic people who will suffer. if you live your whole life judging people on information you arent even sure is 100% correct then you'll be in trouble later. you'll learn ow life can be. why dont u work on yoru mistakes instead of other peoples. would you like me to come to you and point out every mistake you made- i thought so..cause i'd be sitting there for days. so why dont you all just go grow up.
In re Readinton,,Yes...I know those guys ,and they are shitbags...In fact some of them out to be in jail,,,I heard one of was bangin an underage gal from a local drug dealing pizzeria...And the local you are talking about is a fed, and a stand up guy. And everything you said is true.They were always out to get him, cause he was just too dam good. One fat ass slob named Ole Smitty is a real winner..I heard someone took a video of him driving his ugly wife around in his cruiser on duty to the local Pathmark...The Police dept is under serious investigation I heard and they lawsuits are gonna keep coming
Everyone needs to settle down and be careful what we see as fact.
The prosecuters feed the press as much or as little as they want the pubic to react to.
If their case is weak they will paint a horrable image of a defendant to gain support.The Sea Girt thing was 16 years ago and a way different story has emerged since then.Apparently the state police used over 60 investigators and attorny general personell for six months of wire tapping vidio survalence and undercover survalence. The came up with a evidence against Beaumont and Hindman backed up with testimony by some of the others arrested.Cavalieri was however never seen on tape ,recorded on tape or observed by anyone to be involved with this ring.His guilty plea was for having knowledge of beaumonts problem and sending him to rehab instead of arresting him.
Corruption, nepotism,favoritism existed in EPD with the family Org., and is still does, only with another name, "Cosgrove Family" with the players. Cosgrove does things like he did in Newark. Picks and chooses who he wants, and hands out perks to pull them in. Some one like Sgt. Negrey who ran around collecting monies for Cosgrove's defense fund. Its Cosgroves' Family Org. now, the Chief Simon is scared of him. Detective M. Tropeano and a unknown occupant struck a parked car waiting for a traffic light. Tropeano fled leaving the scene. later Tropeano was stopped and taken out of the vehicle, but he was never taken to a hospital for a blood test etc. Why? The officer knew he could not do that because of Tropreano's connection to Cosgrove. (Cosgrove made him a detective, and he very close with his son who was charge in essex county.) The initial police report was destroyed by a superior, and another report written it its place. Later on that superior office was promoted to Lt. They took up a collection for Tropeano, collected a sum of money to help him get through the hard time. When he came back, they gave him a fairly new vehicle to go home and come to work... not bad.
Cosgrove has a lot of good and bad experience.... big drinker and has a thing for the girls. If you time him, and get to know his haunts, you just might see him liquored up and giving a rare performance. Check him out at the train station, or Continental Airlines Lounge, or some lounges with go-go girls. "eyes"
Someone must do something about the bradley beach police department, specifically Terry Browning and patrolman Gale and sergeant zulla. The harassment needs to stop. They pulled me over for no reason then made up a reason to search without my consent. They brought dogs in too when i had nothing to hide and held me up for 3 and a half hours. They follow me everywhere i go. I though it couldnt get worse until now. They surrounded my house and repeatedly harassed me about a missing girl which I strongly believe they are making up. They would not show me a missing persons flyer, only a folded up piece of paper with a picture and a first name, nothing else. I have never seen this person in my life and i have contacted local police departments in the area and have found out that there is so such missing person they know of. what can i do? how can i get them to leave me alone?
This is in regards to P.O Nicholas Baglione and Cosgrove? Soemone here stated that cosgrove took the 8thousand,It was 8thousand he took from a dead man that was that was left to Nicky!! After he came back from Vegas and bought a Caddy thats what was left- I believe Nicky was not the man they wanted- He had other issues in his life he was depresssed and couldnt take it anymore-Personally this guy was lfe long friend of hbis and a degenerate and if he needed help Nicky would have more than likely helped him. After all it want personl it wasnt really Nickys money.NOT Yet- We can blame his Anchor his hell the woman I will Call Mel.E. I hope you are haunted by this everyday of your life and you burn in hell for if in fact this maybe true-You have the smaew amount of blood on your hands- You dark greedy bitch! He said it to me you where what brought him down and you did! I hope you suffer and "Your" son knows you took his father as well as 3 other children.
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